Friday, September 10, 2010

Training Your Cat To Obey

Every one of us wants an obedient pet. Disciplined pets are envisioned by every wanna be pet owners. Language barriers causes misunderstandings between the pet and the owner. To live in harmony with your pet, right training should be conducted. Cat obedience training aims to make cats follow simple commands and be a well behaved pet.

The function of a litter box is a must in the cat obedience training. Having a potty trained cat is one of the biggest challenge that cat owners face. This should be taught first. Be patient and give time to train your cat. Potty training should be introduced to your cat at an early age. Lead your cat to the litter box upon waking up and after every meals. While training, remember to reward the cat after successfully doing its business in the litter box. Success may take some time before achieved by your cat.

The cat obedience training includes teaching your cat to go and potty at the right place. You will have to train the cat when it is ok to sleep, when it is ok to play and when it is ok to go to the bathroom. You will have to do this if you want the order in your home to remain. Cats that lack obedience training usually end up scratching all the furniture, destroying items and peeing everywhere. You can provide scratching posts where it is ok for cats to use their paws and area where all their toys are.

You have to keep watch of what your cat is doing as much as you can in order to fix whatever bad behavior it has. Show your appreciation for its good behavior or acts with treats. You have to remember that hitting is not acceptable in cat obedience training as this will just lead your pet to stay away and be afraid. Cats will always want to please their owners so be sure to spend at least 10 minutes a day training them for them to retain the commands you want them to know.

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