Sunday, September 5, 2010

Curing Gout At Home

Knowing how to cure gout at home is important most particularly should you do not possess quick access to gout treatments and medication.  Gout is very painful form of arthritis within the foot and joints.  Gout is triggered by higher amounts of uric acid which are throughout the entire body.  Uric acid levels improve because of genetic disposition or foods that are eaten.  You can deal with gout by monitoring your daily food consumption.

The first known home treatments for gout are cherries. It does not matter if the cherries are sweet or sour; they've got anti-inflammatory property which reduce the quantity of uric acid generation and help reduce the pain.  Generally, it's ideal that you consume a few to half a pound of cherries a day.  If you're not fond of eating raw cherries, an available choice would be to have 1 tablespoon of concentrated cherry juice.

Prevent from consuming foods of animal organs if you wish to control your uric acid levels.  Meat from cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys have very high uric acid levels and will improve the uric acid levels in your entire body when eaten.  Get rid of all meat  diet even including heart, brain, kidneys, and liver.

Reduce and eliminate eathing altogether foods which contain fructose, the natural sugars in fruits, or meals that are heavily sweetened.  Heavily sweetened foods include high levels of uric acid and are likely to set bouts of gout in individuals.  Prevent meals for example wine, pie and other foods that have high sugar content or sweeteners.

Apply ice to gouty joints, 15 minutes with ice then 15 minutes without it.  Don't implement the ice directly against the skin but instead warp it into a towel or ice bag before applying to gouty joints.

Drink plenty of water.  Water assists in flushing out excess uric acid in your system.

Lessen or avoid alcohol altogether.  Alcohol increases your uric acid amounts.  Alcohol, in specific beers should be reduced or avoided should you suffer from gout.  Beer pushes the body to produce much more uric acid which is highly dangerous for anyone looking to reducing or curing their gout problems.

Overall, the greatest solution to cure gout at home would be to keep your body weight right down to a healthy amount, cut out those meals listed from your diet and keep a well hydrated body and take just as much routine workouts as  feasible.

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