Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cost Efficient Electric Scooter Bikes

One of the things that a city dweller often experience are the traffic jams that one encounters when going to and from one’s place of employment. Having a car is no longer a luxury but a burden through this jams. Some people arrange their schedules that match the schedule of  public commute’s departure and arrival. On the other hand, some people opt to use electric scooter bikes as an alternative.

Electric scooter bikes are two-wheeled vehicles that use electric motors to make it run. Rechargeable batteries provide power to almost all electric scooter bikes but latest developments in technology produced a lot of fuel cell prototypes and even a hybrid of petroleum and electric motorcycles.

Those who are interested to buy electric scooter bikes must understand what kind of light electric vehicles they should purchase. There are different kinds of electric scooters, a small stand-up-and-push type is for short trips and can be carried in a car. A standard pedal bike can be made into a scooter by a conversion kit, including lightweight batteries and motor that can be fitted in the rear or front wheel.

Electric scooter bikes have numerous advantages and provide benefits. They are very fuel-efficient as they only cost about 25% of the total fuel consumption of a combustible-fueled vehicle. They are helpful to the environment, not only they are silent but they don’t emit any toxic fumes that  adds to the carbon footprint of humans. They are convenient to bring because they are not prone to traffic jams and parking them is not a hassle.

They are also quite easy to maintain, they don’t need tune-ups and rarely require replacement of parts. The only thing one has to worry about are the batteries that must be always recharged.

Using this scooter pose only few disadvantages for the user ; for example, they are more expensive than gasoline powered motorcycles, but in the long haul one can actually save a lot of fuel. One of that is the silent features, they are prone to accidents since other motorists rarely notice that they're on the road running.

Electric scooter bikes are contribute to a cleaner environment and practical for transport use, this makes one feel better when using this versatile bike..

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