Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cleansing Diet

A number of organs of out body, particularly the liver, kidney, and colon, are accountable for handling the toxins and contaminants that get into our body. They do it on an everyday basis as we ingest and eat foods and drinks that contain numerous chemicals. Sometimes though we can give these internal organs some slack from constant digestion by having a fasting cleansing diet. This enables the kidney and liver to recover from the food preservatives and chemicals that get into our system everyday, so that they concentrate on repairing sick cells.

Doing a fasting cleansing diet at times has some good benefits as it gets rid of the toxins in the body. These include shinier nails, more beautiful eyes, stronger hair, great complexion, reduced body odor, weight loss, and reduced cellulites. A fasting cleansing diet is also a good way to interrupt bad eating habits and begin anew with a clean slate. This may help promote you to cease eating junk and processed foods. Additionally, it may refresh you physically and mentally to help you change into cleaner, healthier lifestyle.

A fasting cleansing diet is commonly done in just a week by consuming just juice, soup, and water. It’s best that you try it on a vacation so you will not have to worry about becoming famished or depleting your energy rapidly. A suggested juice that you can make is a combination of fresh carrots, celery, beet, spinach, apple and coconut. It can be ideal if make use of organic fruits and vegetables for your juices as much as possible as they are planted and harvested without having to use toxic chemicals and pesticides. If you can't avail organic produces, then peel off the skin of the vegetables and fruit or clean them using a non-toxic produce solution that is typically sold at food stores. When it comes to soup, you can easily create a vegetable broth by simmering potatoes, onions, garlic cloves, and carrots in water. Additionally, stay away from drinking faucet water since they contain chemical compounds and poisons, thus defeating the purpose of your fasting cleansing diet. Drink distilled or filtered water as a substitute as they are better and have smaller possibility of having compounds.

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