Friday, September 10, 2010

Best Climate For Grape Growing

You do have to be really careful and offer good care when growing grapes. The climate in which they grow is very important to get luscious grapes. But how is it possible for anyone to know what the grape growing perfect climate is? It is highly subjective to talk about climate. There are different species of grapes out there and every single one will need a different climatic environment in order to give out a good harvest.

Proper sunlight exposure is crucial when you grow grapes. Grapes are possible to grow in any region that has a period of around 3 Summer months. Those regions that are cold throughout the year or have heavy rainfall are not conducive for growing grapes as the amount of sunlight the plant gets would be affected.

Hot summers and winters that are mild are best for growing wines. Whenever talking about grape harvests you need to avoid frost. Some varieties of grapes become dormant during winters and produce the grapes in whichever season is shorter. Generally one soil that has good drainage and is mildly acidic is perfect for grapes growing.

To calculate how much sun your vineyard would get the best way is to observe and note down the length of the day when full sunlight is present in the area. This way you would get a fair idea of the amount of sunlight the vineyard would get in the growing season. 8 hours of sunlight is a minimum needed daily for obtaining good grape quality. If you are faced with an average daily temperature of 50 degrees then 170 such days will be required by your vineyard.

If you live in warmer places then you can access many grapes varieties and choose the proper one that will satisfy your needs best. But, if you are living in colder regions you are faced with limited choices. Good examples of species that will be grown in cold climates are Landot Noir, Alpenglow, Brianna, Baltica and Reliance.

It is natural to want to identify the right climate for growing grapes, so they grow and yield as they are meant to. Because of the fact that grapes require good sunlight amounts you should choose places with great summers to grow the plants. Never get disheartened. You can still grow grapes even if you live in regions with summers that are negligible and colder than sometimes required. The only thing to be kept in mind is that you need to choose a variety of grapes that can grow in colder regions without adequate sunlight. Correct selection of the species is all that matters. Never end up thinking that colder climates automatically stop you from growing grapes. You can definitely grow them with success if a proper species decision is taken.

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