Friday, September 10, 2010

Covering Rosacea With Makeup

Rosacea is known as a chronic skin disease that commonly strikes those with fair skin, usually whites. Its key characteristic is reddening within the central area of the face area particularly in the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin, inflammation in the affected region followed with expansion of papules and pustules, continual and noticeable flushing, and visible lines of blood vessels across the face.

Rosacea is a type of issue among Caucasians, and in America alone, it is presumed there presently exist 14 million people that suffer this condition. Additionally, women are almost thrice more likely to have this problem than men. Although it is typically a harmless condition, it may well cause changes in the appearance of those that possess the condition and may even impact their self-esteem because they may become too conscious of what they look. Fortunately though, those afflicted with this condition can employ makeup to disguise the symptoms of rosacea on their face. Below are a few makeup tips that could improve the feel of the facial skin and boost the self-confidence of those who have rosacea.

To begin with, clean and moisturize the face area using gentle products. Avoid using rough, coarse materials on your skin since they may cause irritations. Also, it is better to utilize less products as possible to reduce the exposure on the skin to potential irritants. Furthermore, if you ever  are unclear about this product you will use, test it on your arms or neck first before putting it on to your face.

Employing a green-tinted base is ideal if you have rosacea as it can help correct the skin redness and even out skin tone. For concealers and foundation, choose the ones that are oil-free especially if there is a growth of papules and pustules. The foundation must also match the person’s natural skin tone and the concealer must be one shade lighter. Don't use sponge or fingertips in applying foundation since it is more ideal to utilize anti-bacterial brushes and apply make-up to lessen skin irritation.

For the makeup, choose mineral powder because it does not have ingredients that could worsen your sensitive skin. Some are even designed to color-correct the redness of our skin. Blushers are optional since those who have rosacea already have lots of color in their skin, even though there are mineral powder blushers available if using this is a must. There are also mineral powder eye shadow and that is recommended for those who have rosacea with eye involvement. Finally for the lips, choose people with neutral shade close to the natural lip color so as not to stress the inflammation in your skin.

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