Thursday, February 3, 2011

Knee Pain Exercises To Strenghten Muscle

Every day, millions of old people feel knee pain caused by arthritis or osteoarthritis which can really be debilitating. Younger adults also suffer from knee pain especially after undergoing surgery or sustain knee injury caused by sports activities. Certainly,the knees are very valuable parts of our body that we should maintain well lest it degenerates and makes us immoblized. One must understand that the knee is a hinge joint formed by two bones- the femur and tibia. The knees are held together by four ligaments and surrounded by synovium. The synovium is a fluid that offers protection to the cartilage. While doing so,the outer layer of the synovium protects and supports the joint. Now, when the synovium has lessened production or the cartilage has run out, this results to knee pain. The pain is accompanied by swelling, inflammation, redness and even stiffness of joints. The best possible way to prevent this from happening is by doing some exercises that can strengthen the muscles surrounding the knees. The  major muscle groups that supports the knees are the hamstrings and quadriceps. Once these muscle groups are strengthened through knee pain exercises, they can absorb the shock of physical activities like running which lessens the impact on the knees. It is suggested that you warm up before doing the following knee pain exercises.

Hamstring Strengthening Exercises Lie on your stomach and put the toes of your left foot on your right heel.

Pull the right heel towards your body while using your right heel to push in the opposite direction.

Do this for ten seconds and then release.

Perform ten reps with a five second rest between each rep.

Quadriceps Strengthening Routine Lie on your back and move your right leg backwards so the foot is flat on the floor and the knee is bent at about ninety degrees.

Straighten and lift the left leg to the height of the right knee. Keep it there for three seconds.

Bring down the leg and repeat for 9 reps.

Use alternate legs and repeat the exercise ten times.

Make sure that  you cool down after the exercise and stop any movement once pain is felt. Remember, pain should be your ally , not your enemy.

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