Thursday, February 3, 2011

Different Types Of Knee Pain Relief And Treatment

Yearly,the incidence of people suffering from arthritis constantly rises. Medical experts are looking for the probable causes as patients suffer from several symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain , inflammation and stiffness of joints particularly after waking up. For many decades, only older people are in need of knee pain relief as normally caused by rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Presently, even young adults and children are diagnosed with juvenile arthritis. Several probable causes are mentioned like heredity, excessive use of joints, gout, overweight, unhealthy food choices and previous trauma. While there maybe different probable causes, people with arthritis are only interested in finding an effective knee pain relief. The pain is intense and limits a persons mobility which is why medical experts are presenting various knee pain relief and treatment. The following discussion provides a backgorund of several knee pain relief and treatment choices.

Medication  Usually, some doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which can be bought over-the-counter. Some orthopaedic specialists recommend a COX-2 inhibitor which is more effective but less irritating to the stomach. These medicines are costly and must taken only for a short period. It is always best to consult a doctor first before taking any medication.

Physical Therapy  A lot of people with chronic knee pain derive benefits from physical therapy. Aside from treating the affected area, several exercises must be done by the patient to build stronger leg muscles. A couple of weight resistance exercises for quadriceps would build stronger muscles thereby lessening the burden on the knees. If a person has a sports activity that would delay knee pain relief and treatment , the patient is advised to shift into other sports like swimming or cycling.

Assistive devices  There are hundreds of assistive devices available that can be used for knee pain relief. Using canes or walkers enables a person to become more mobile thereby making him continue his daily routine. Arch supports can shift the pressure away from the side of the knee  which makes this an ideal knee pain relief.

In some cases where an individual has tried almost all options but pain is still present, surgery would be the last recourse. Nevertheless, seeing a specialist is always the first step to healing.


  1. The knee is a very important joint of our body because all important tasks of a perfectly healthy human body like standing, walking and running are carried on with the help of knee joints. If a knee joint becomes painful, it gets very tough for a person to carry on the routine chores in a normal manner. There might be various reasons for the knee aches; it could be injury, arthritis or other medical complications. check here

  2. Thanks for good post.

    Some Tips for Knee Pain Solution for best result

    1. Try RICE for strains and sprains. If you've twisted your leg, taken a hard fall, or otherwise strained your knee, first aid at home can be helpful.

    2.Tai chi.

    3. Exercise and weight management.

    4. Heat and cold therapy.

    5. Herbal ointment.

    6. Willow bark.
    7. Ginger extract.
    8. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.
