Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sharp Knee Pain Causes

A large number of individuals around the world are physically active which is why they often participate in several sports activities like running, basketball, soccer, tennis etc. Most of the time, these people pursue their sports actively making them very prone to overtraining. Some active individuals practice at least two hours a day because they are challenged. In some situations, fitness buffs do not properly warm up or do proper stretching to prepare their muscles. This results to injury to the knee joints causing sharp knee pain. Even sedentary individuals can suffer from sharp knee pain once they get hurt as caused by slipping or falling. In their situation, lack of balance contributes to being prone to accidental slips and falls. Typically, sharp knee pain is a direct result  from problems with the ligaments around the knee joints. For a better understanding of sharp knee pain, given below are some likely causes plus a short description; however, this should not be substituted for professional medical advice .

Torn versus Damaged Ligament There are two probable causes of sharp knee pain, either damaged or torn ligament. The main difference lies in the ability of one condition to recover fully such as damaged ligament. Alternatively,torn ligament does not regain full recovery yet so doctors prescribe temporary relief as the basic alternative to this condition. The approach to treatment looks similar but a torn ligament often involves surgery .

Damaged Ligament is one major cause  of sharp knee pain.Pain killers are often given by doctors because patients find it difficult to tolerate the sharp knee pain. A knee brace is often used to prevent the knee from movement and assist in healing. The knee brace acts a support to the damaged ligament so the person can still move normally with protection. Frequently, the patient needs to elevate the legs so the joints would not carry any weight from the body. On the opposite, torn ligament is a serious condition that creates extreme sharp knee pain. Approach to treatment  is comparable to damaged ligament but there may be a need for surgery. But no matter what causes sharp knee pain, an overweight person must lose weight to speed up recovery. Just remember, knees are important joints that we should protect to prevent sharp knee pain.

Different Types Of Knee Pain Relief And Treatment

Yearly,the incidence of people suffering from arthritis constantly rises. Medical experts are looking for the probable causes as patients suffer from several symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain , inflammation and stiffness of joints particularly after waking up. For many decades, only older people are in need of knee pain relief as normally caused by rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Presently, even young adults and children are diagnosed with juvenile arthritis. Several probable causes are mentioned like heredity, excessive use of joints, gout, overweight, unhealthy food choices and previous trauma. While there maybe different probable causes, people with arthritis are only interested in finding an effective knee pain relief. The pain is intense and limits a persons mobility which is why medical experts are presenting various knee pain relief and treatment. The following discussion provides a backgorund of several knee pain relief and treatment choices.

Medication  Usually, some doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which can be bought over-the-counter. Some orthopaedic specialists recommend a COX-2 inhibitor which is more effective but less irritating to the stomach. These medicines are costly and must taken only for a short period. It is always best to consult a doctor first before taking any medication.

Physical Therapy  A lot of people with chronic knee pain derive benefits from physical therapy. Aside from treating the affected area, several exercises must be done by the patient to build stronger leg muscles. A couple of weight resistance exercises for quadriceps would build stronger muscles thereby lessening the burden on the knees. If a person has a sports activity that would delay knee pain relief and treatment , the patient is advised to shift into other sports like swimming or cycling.

Assistive devices  There are hundreds of assistive devices available that can be used for knee pain relief. Using canes or walkers enables a person to become more mobile thereby making him continue his daily routine. Arch supports can shift the pressure away from the side of the knee  which makes this an ideal knee pain relief.

In some cases where an individual has tried almost all options but pain is still present, surgery would be the last recourse. Nevertheless, seeing a specialist is always the first step to healing.

Arthritis Knee Pain And Osteoarthritis

Not long ago,statistics about arthritis have been released by the U.S. revealing that by 2030, one out of four Americans would be affected by arthritis. Truly ,this is worrisome since this means more people would be debilitated by arthritis knee pain. This also means that more people would become less productive since they have limited mobility. What's more,more people would have an early retirement because arthritis knee pain prevents them from working.

One of the leading cause of arthritis knee pain is no other than Osteoarthritis.Our knees have undergone normal wear and tear for many years. Commonly,knees have articular cartilage that smoothly flows within the joint which functions such as a shock absorber. Additionally, a synovial membrane produces fluid known as synovium helps lubricate the joints. For many reasons, the articular cartilage can become thinner or even wear out entirely. The resulting condition is known as osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease that causes painful arthritis knee pain. Things can even get complicated as bones thicken and  spurs develop. Arthritis knee pain in this case comes with swelling, inflammation stiffness of joints especially in the morning.

What brings about osteoarthritis?

How arthritis knee pain begins as a condition is still a mystery to some medical experts. Nevertheless, the following list includes possible causes of arthritis knee pain.

Past Injuries History of  trauma to a particular joint elevates the chance osteoarthritis formation.

Heredity There are people who inherit a defective gene that should be responsible for producing cartilage that makes them more prone to osteoarthritis. As a result, they are highly likely to suffer from arthritis knee pain.

Weight Typically, osteoarthritis is established in weight bearing joints like the knees and hip. An obese person runs a higher risk  of having degenerative joint disease because of  the additional load.

Overuse -  A number of people engage in more walking, running or climbing because they are physically active. Individuals such as marathon runners can overstrain a joint after running for many years.

Crystal Deposits Food in high purine content can cause uric acid crystals to accumulate in the joint leading to osteoarthritis.

Discover These Knee Pain Facts

Every day, millions of people all over the world  are suffering from knee pain. A large majority of this group are the elderly mostly affected by arthritis or osteoarthritis. In some situations, knee pain can be a result of by sports injury such as torn ligaments or muscles around the knee joint. Usually, medical specialists prescribe some over the counter drugs for knee pain treatment. These medications include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS ) which can be very beneficial for knee pain treatment.

The next procedure for knee pain treatment typically includes Physical Therapy so the area affected can be addressed well and developed thus preventing recurrence of painful knee condition. In many instances, therapy also includes massage,  heat or cold treatment, elevation and some leg strengthening exercises.

Aside from physical therapy, there are other factors that must be atken into account for effective knee pain treatment  such as activity limitations. Truth is, some movements worsen the pain and delay the progress of knee pain treatment. The following activities must be avoided if posible until the knee has healed from swelling and pain.

* Squatting
* Kneeling
* Twisting and pivoting
* Repetitive bending ( going up and down stairs)
* Jogging
* Aerobics, dancing
* Playing stop and go sports ( racquet sports like tennis and squash)
The preferred exercise equipment for the knee should provide smooth motion of the knee, optimum toning of the front and back thigh muscles (quadriceps and hamstring muscles), minimal jarring and impact to the joint, and the least possible bending motions to regain  toning. These activities are acceptable substitute to the aforementioned above.

* Water aerobics * Swimming applying the crawl stroke * Cross country ski machines * Soft platform treadmill
Ice and elevation-Ice is very good in managing pain and swelling. Ice must be applied to the knee every 2 to 4 hours at least for 15 minutes specially after physical activity. A pack of ice, frozen vegetables, or a frozen towel is fine. The swollen knee should be raised above the level of the heart while cooling it.

How to Understand What Causes Knee Pain

A large number of people all over the world suffer from knee pain on a daily basis. These individuals often find walking or climbing stairs very painful which greatly limits their mobility in performing daily tasks. In most cases,older people experience knee pain since their knees become weak after years of wear and tear. Nonetheless, younger people or adults can still have the same conditions since knee pain causes can have many sources. In general, people use their knees for different movements like running, climbing, and crawling. As years go by, the knees break down due to normal wear and tear but other knee pain causes can also add complication to the  situation. One must fully understand that the knee is a hinge joint formed by two bones- the femur and tibia. There are four important ligaments hold the knees together which is surrounded by synovium. The synovium is a thick fluid that protects the cartilage. Likewise, the outer layer of the synovium protects and supports the joint. A good understanding of the knee's anatomy can guide you in understanding the following knee pain causes.

Rheumatoid arthritis -One of the common knee pain causes experienced by the elderly. This condition happens when the body's own immune system attacks its own joints. The white blood cells accumulate in the synovium making it swollen. This leads to redness, swelling, and pain especially after waking up in the morning. As the condition worsens, the cartilage slowly erodes which can really be debilitating.

Osteoarthritis  One of the top leading source of knee pain causes. Due to the breakdown of cartilage, the bones begin to rub together which can be really painful. The result is inflammation and loss of motion. There's also the likelihood of having a bone deformity later as time progresses. Small bone spurs slowly develop along joint edges which is one of the painful knee causes in this condition.

The above mentioned are just some of the typical knee pain causes but there are other sources of knee pain too. The knee pain causes can be a symptom of something more serious depending on the pain's location in the knee. Other possible knee pain causes can be bursitis, softening of the patella or Bakers cysts. Past injuries or infections can also be knee pain causes that must be examined by a health professional.

Knee Pain Relief Tips

A large number of individuals around the world complain about chronic knee pain which can really be debilitating. Imagine doing your normal activities at a slower pace since chronic knee pain makes you squirm in pain. Whereas running, climbing stairs or running were just part of a person's routine, with chronic knee pain it can become a very difficult to undertake. For older people, chronic knee pain is often caused by arthritis which can hurt a lot as indicated by redness and swelling in the knees. Chronic knee pain can also be caused by osteoarthritis since the bones end up rubbing against each other. There are numerous probable sources of chronic knee pain that only a doctor can diagnose clearly. Nonetheless, affected people are looking for chronic knee pain remedies so they can still function normally. Mayo Clinic, a non-profit medical organization prescribes some measures that can possibly arrest chronic knee pain. The main objective however is to lessen the pain and swelling so the afflicted person can at least perform normal activities such as walking and climbing. The following advice are helpful but not intended as substitute for doctor's advice.

1. Medication- Chronic knee pain originates from pain and inflammation. Majority of doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which can be bought without a prescription. Some orthopaedic specialists recommend a COX-2 inhibitor which is more effective but less irritating to the stomach. These medicines costs a lot and taken only for a short period. It is always ideal to consult a doctor first before buying any pain-killers.

2. Physical Therapy- Many individuals with chronic knee pain can be helped by physical therapy. Aside from applying treatment on the affected area, several activities would be undertaken by the patient to build stronger leg muscles. Some weight resistance exercises for quadriceps would develop stronger muscles thereby lessening the burden on the knees. If a patient has a sports activity which can make chronic knee pain worse, then the doctor can suggest to shift into a more suitable sports activity.Although many people find exercise unappealing especially when in pain, there is no choice but to do it in this case.

Overcoming chronic knee pain is not that difficult especially when the patient follows doctor's advice. Losing some weight is also recommended so that knees wont bear the load of your weight all the time.

Prevent Knee Pain Running

Yearly, millions of individuals worldwide join marathons or running contests. People who have joined such events have already been running for some years. The main purpose of these people is to have a healthy body and practice wellness. Running has many benefits including elevating oxygen supply in the body and producing more endorphins that makes you feel better. Actually, many athletes claim feeling a runners high which is actually an endorphin rush in our brain. Having said that, the sport has disadvantages too such as knee pain running mostly when practice is intensive. Alleviating knee pain running is one of the most sought out remedies that runners want. Usually, knee pain running develops when the cartilage under the kneecap has begun tearing away due to years of use. As a result, there is pain and inflammation which can really limit range of motion. Usually, knee pain running is felt after years of jogging or running. The situation can further be complicated by extra pounds that adds heavy burden on the knees .

Some causes of knee pain running include too much pronation, weakness of the quadriceps, running on elevated surfaces, incorrect footwear and overtraining. Too much pronation happens when the feet rotates too far inward thereby causing the kneecap to twist sideways. In such instances, the quadriceps or group of muscles above the knees must be developed through resistance training. Running uphill or worse, downhill can really be bad for the knees causing knee pain running. A runner must also discard his worn out shoes since this does provide protection and support to the feet anymore. Having a pair of wrong running shoes that can be too flat or too arched can also be an issue. It is crucial to consider the shape and arch of your feet when selecting running shoes.

When knee pain running becomes chronic, the doctor may advise you take some rest. Also, medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed which can be bought over-the-counter. In some instances, elevating one's feet is also beneficial as well as having a massage to relax the muscles. Doing some exercises like squats can develop the quadriceps and lessen knee pain running. Indeed, knee pain running can be managed as long as you rest and see a doctor.