Friday, November 5, 2010

Single Mouthguard Vs. Double Mouthguard

There are many reasons why people have a hard time selecting the correct mouthguard for them.  Aside from the fact that there are a lot of brand names that are out in the market today, mouthguards also come in two different types. These forms are the single mouthguard and the double mouthguard. Each variety has its own benefits and limitations which are divulged to the individuals who have already utilized them. If you don’t have the luxury of trying out both the single and the double mouthguard, here are some of the things that you can anticipate.

Single mouthguards are commonly more thinner and less heavier than double mouthguards. This makes it favored by individuals who are incapable of supporting heavy mouthguards as a result of a weaker mouth structure. However since it is thinner, there are some people who say that they feel more protected whenever they use a double mouthguard. Because the thickness of mouthguards is an invalid foundation for scrutinizing mouthguards, this type of thinking is generally not agreed by professional boxers and athletes.

One thing that is apparent in a double mouthguard is that it has a more undersized breathing channels compareedto a single mouthguard.

This is actually the most common complain of people who are not really into using this type of mouthguard. A few people propose doing cardio exercises while wearing the double mouthguard on so that you will be able to get used to it. However there are also those who are not finding it hard to breathe whenever they use double mouthguards.

Some people also say that a double mouthguard is for those people who need a lot of mouth protection because of the sport that they are into. However, there are also those who claim that single mouthguards offer more protection than their double counterpart. Concerning this aspect of mouthguards, you have to remember that their quality is based on the people who created them. This entails that a double mouthguard is not actually more durable than their single counterpart.

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