Friday, November 5, 2010

All About Mouthguard Grinding

Mouthguard grinding is more popularly known as Bruxism or teeth grinding. Few are afflicted with this condition. Those who have it are usually not aware of it because it generally takes place during the night when the person is asleep. Bruxism is characterized by tightening of the jaw and gritting of the teeth when sleeping. Men, women, and even children can become affected with this condition. It generally happens between the age of 20-40 years old.

Most researches found out that those who are affected with teeth grinding are always stressed and anxious about their lives. With these factors, it could cause the release of adrenaline and other energy hormones without a possible way to discharge the energy. These people generally have no hobbies to release their stress.

Physical activities such as simple walk in the park, exercises, and aerobics are good ways to address this problem. Keeping a pet of your own and socializing with people will eventually reduce the stress levels that you have.

In extreme cases, people opt for anti-anxiety medications to deal with this condition. A mouthguard is also beneficial for teeth grinding. The modest compactness of a mouthguard in combination with a muscle relaxant could aid the jaw to be relaxed and have less chances of teeth grinding over the course of the sleep. Apart from these benefits, the mouthguard for Bruxism helps in protecting the teeth from being chipped or broken. Along with these preventive steps, here are some ways to reduce the instances of teeth grinding.
  •  Lips sealed while teeth apart - it is hard to accomplish but with this, your teeth will only touch when you are eating food. Attempt to keep the feeling of a relaxed muscle with your jaw dropped.
  • Warm bath before sleeping - the warmth of the water results in vasodilation which aids the relaxing of the jaw muscles.
  • Learn coping skills - there are many ways to deal with stress everyday, and there are numerous techniques to choose from.
  •  Massage - since it works for the rest of the body, it should work for the jaw as well.
  •  Rest your jaw muscles - do not eat too much steak and chewy foods that can tire your jaw.

The bulk of stress is a constant process from everday’s work. Keep yourself concentrated. Using meditation to keep your self-awareness may contribute to the strength to manage everyday anxieties.

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