Friday, November 5, 2010

Teaching Supplies You Can Use For Special Education

Every year, special education becomes necessary because children with special need keeps on increasing. However, teaching special children is becoming more and more challenging than before. Teachers must be dedicated and committed in giving the children the quality education they deserve. Teachers must take different teaching techniques, and must plan for every stage of development so they can fulfill their aim of giving quality education to special children. It is important for teachers to constantly improve their teaching techniques and make sure that they are provided adequately with special education teaching supplies.

Special educations deal with children who have autism, ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorders. Special education therefore employs different teaching techniques to deal with every distinct need of every individual. For every method you will be using different special education teaching supplies. It is very significant that the proper tools of learning must be selected to address the need of the special students.

An effective form of teaching method to deal with a child’s difficulty in reading is the multisensory approach. Using a multisensory teaching approach means helping the child learn through more than one of the senses. This method is also known as VAK modalities. The acronym VAK is for, Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. Multi-sensory lessons require the use of multiple senses, which includes all of these, visual, sound and touch cues, sometimes even smell and taste for more creative lessons.

To utilize this method, teachers are provided for with letters made out of sandpaper, plasticine or clay. Special education teaching supplies also aid the dyslexics in distinguishing the letters “b” and “d”. It is important that they are dyslexics know the difference because they are often confused over the direction of these letters. Dyslexics know that they are both sticks with circle at the base but they have a hard time determining the figure which side the circle sit. Special education teaching supplies like letters made of sandpaper allow the teachers to develop the children’s tactile memory by letting the students run their fingers over the letter “b” and “d”. Different scientific teaching methods are being implemented in schools to teach children with special needs. By providing them with special care and special education teaching supplies, their development is greatly assured.

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