Friday, November 5, 2010

Essential Medical Teaching Supplies

If one is working in the medical field, chances are one has experience handling medical teaching supplies. On the other hand instructing others to use medical teaching supplies is different. Medical teaching supplies are there to help the teachers have an easier flow in transferring knowledge to medical students. They are sometimes referred to medical teaching aids. There are various medical teaching supplies and aids that can be utilized to help patients understand their condition. The following are medical teaching supplies that could aid in instruction and medical presentation.

Medical Teaching Charts. Medical personnel can consult a medical teaching chart, which is usually laminated, so they can give a reliable diagnosis to the patient. It is also used as a visual aid so that your students or interns will have a better look at the condition of the patient. The illustrations of the body, together with descriptions of the skeletal and respiratory system come in set of posters. Descriptions of diseases from different systems and parts of the body are included in some charts.

Suture Tutor Training Kits. These medical teaching supplies combine hands-on suturing with the use of a realistic three-layer skin pad with a multimedia CD ROM tutorial. Topics land handling of materials, instrument management, planning and performing a linear incision, interrupted suturing, simple sutures and others are contained in the CD.

Medical Teaching Models.  These medical teaching supplies are very suitable for use in gynecology, chiropractors and general practice surgeries. A few examples of medical teaching models are plastic male skeleton on stand; it is a durable and natural cast of the bones of a male adult that features a skull with removable mandible and vault. Specific body parts are also available like the flexible shoulder model consisting of collarbone, humorous and shoulder blades.

If one plans to purchase medical teaching supply, there are online websites available to cater to one’s requirements. With just the click of the mouse and just like magic, it would be shipped to you in a jiffy.

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