Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fast Electric Bikes

Electric Bikes alone make the riding experience unique and exciting,what more if one can go as fast as 30 mph to 60 mph. Excitement, with a touch of speed is very tempting perhaps this is why a lot of manufacturers are building fast electric bikes.

Before you think of spending on fast electric bikes, you must consider that  fast electric bikes can also be costly. They can really make you break the bank as quick as they catch your fancy. As technology comes up with fast electric bikes, the prices can go higher. Another disadvantage aside from being costly, the faster the bike the more limited it is for long travels. One popular model of this kind of fast electric bike is the A2B Metro and the A2B Hybrid.

The manufacturers of the OB1 claim that they have the fastest electric bike on the market today. Its motor can produce an output of 850 watts unlike other bikes in teh same category whose output is only a mere 350 watts. The maximum speed of this fast electric bike can only be up to 20mph. This is to the strict adherence of laws that they should not exceed such speed for it to be considered a bicycle but there are claims that it can reach speeds of over 30 mph in private roads. The disadvantage of this fast electric bicycle is its costly price tag. It costs around $14,000, it may be expensive for neophytes but riding experts believe that its price is justified. The bike is cutting edge in technology, and it is the pinnacle of electric bike improvements.

Some people on the other hand try a different approach when it comes to fast electric bikes. They gather a solid frame, two carbon fiber wheels, a steering wheel, an electric motors, a set of pedals and time and create their own electric bikes. PG Bikes believe that the lightweight materials and their latest technology, which convert the kinetic energy into electricity and holds them for future use, is the fastest electric bike ever. They named this bike the Black Trail and they claim it can go as fast as the OB1. What’s the current price for the Black Trail due to its limited availability? 60,000 Euros.

Fast electric bikes stimulate fast people whose into fast vehicles.

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