Monday, October 18, 2010

Various Types Of Orthopedic Foot Braces

Orthopedic foot braces, also known as ankle-foot orthoses or AFOs is a type of brace that serves the function of controlling and supporting the position and motion of the ankle, supplement muscle weakness, and correct deformities as well. It is usually made of plastic and is used to treat the effects of medical conditions on the muscle function of the foot area. These usual conditions include but are not limited to spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, polio, stroke, muscular dystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, and multiple sclerosis. Additionally, orthopedic foot braces can also be utilized to restrict foot movement after an injury as well as to correct foot-drop.

There are many types of orthopedic foot braces that can be utilized depending on the needs of the patient. The solid ankle-foot orthosis is one of these orthopedic foot brace. It is the most essential and regularly used orthopedic foot braces due to its flexibility and has a sufficient structure for walking and shaping the foot against deformity. However, this type of orthosis may not be applicable to some people that have a unique kind of posture.

The hinged ankle-foot orthosis is another type of orthopedic foot braces. As the name suggests, this orthosis has a hinge as compared to the solid AFO which allows a certain degree of mobility that isn't restricted. A hinged AFO is ideal for people who are already recovering from an injury or condition and is expected to gain mobility and strength.

A special kind of orthopedic foot braces is known as a spiral ankle-foot orthosis. It has a spiral support structure that allows for a better flexibility while still limiting and encouraging motion in a preferred direction. This type of orthosis is ideal for people who fall when wearing stiff braces. However, these types of orthosis is complicated to produce as well as adjust to its shape.

What has been discussed are just the most basic types of orthopedic foot braces as there are more specific types that are useful for certain conditions. Therefore if you require one, the first step is consulting a specialist and discuss your options which of these orthopedic foot braces are the most appropriate for your condition.

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