Monday, October 18, 2010

Canine Orthopedic Braces For Your Dog

Dogs, like humans, also suffer from pain and injury which is why there are specially designed canine orthopedic braces for dogs. These braces vary in forms depending on the type of injury and of course, the size of the dog. They are highly important as this assists an injured dog recover and heal the affected area by providing the needed support and stability. The canine orthopedic braces can lessen the trauma that has occured when the dog is moving around with the injury.

The hip hound brace is one good example of canine orthopedic brace. It is typically wrapped around the hips of the dog since it's designed  to support the lower back and hip area of the dog. This type of braces are normally used to treat dogs suffering from arthritis, hip dysplasia, decreased endurance, low back pain, and back leg limping. It is also ideal for dogs who are recovering from a surgery or injury.

The other types of canine orthopedic braces are the ones used in treating several limb injuries of dogs. Included in this category are stifle braces for the knee, hock and paw braces, elbow braces, and carpus and paw braces. These types of canine orthopedic braces are used after a surgical procedure, so that the recovering dog can still move around while the injured body part is still healing. Another plus of canine orthopedic braces is that it protects further loss of muscle mass during the healing while providing correct position to  the affected body into the normal position especially when it was dislocated.

There are several considerations that you have to keep in mind when getting your pet dog canine orthopedic braces. First of all, make sure that the braces that you are getting have no metal in them as they are counterproductive to the recovery of the dog. The more suitable braces are made out of composite rubber joints as they are sturdy and works well with the movement of the dog.

When buying canine orthopedic braces for your dog always remember that it's your pet’s veterinarian  who should make the cast for your dog. Never be contented with braces without custom fittings as it may not be effective at all for your dog.

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