Monday, October 18, 2010

How Orthopedic Ankle Braces Help?

Ankle injuries are known as one of the most typical experienced injuries by both athletes and regular people alike which is why orthopedic ankle braces are really important. Orthopedic ankle braces essentially keep your ankle stable and relieves the pressure off it by immobilizing it. This is very crucial as ankle injuries such as sprains and strains are too painful when moved. The use of orthopedic ankle braces reduces the pain felt and assists the injured part to heal by dramatically reducing the trauma inflicted to it when walking.

There are actually different types of orthopedic ankle braces that can address treatment of ankle injuries. Normally, rigid ankle braces are the ones immediately placed when an ankle injuty happens. This type of ankle braces completely prevents the ankle from moving so the patient cannot further cause injury to that part. Immobilizing the ankle at once after being injured is utterly important as it is very painful for the person affected even if the foot was just moved for a bit. Furthermore, immobilizing the injured ankle protects the newly injured area from further damage or injury.

The functional ankle braces is another form of orthopedic ankle braces. It includes Aircast or semirigid braces, soft braces, and lace-up braces. As compared to rigid ankle braces, these types of braces provides more mobility to the ankle. A recent study even concluded that treating acute ankle sprains with functional ankle braces can lead to better results compared to the treatment that involves immobilizing the ankle with rigid ankle braces. Those who treated their ankle injury with functional ankle braces have shorter recovery period, less swelling and instability, and greater overall satisfaction.

In addition, athletes involved in sports that are susceptible to ankle injuries such as basketball and football, can use a special type of orthopedic ankle braces known as prophylactic ankle braces. These types of braces are a preventive measure against ankle injuries. They are very suitable for athletes who have a history of ankle injury thereby lessening the probability of recurring injury. The disadvantage of using these kind of bracers is that it can limit ankle movement which some people may find uncomfortable thereby affecting performance.

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